School Uniform




Daily Wear (Required)

  • Year 7 and 8 Students: Green sweatshirt with the school badge on the front and Sports College and Maths/ Computer logo on the sleeves. 
  • Year 9, 10 and 11 Students: Black sweatshirt with the school badge on the front and Sports College and Maths/ Computer logo on the sleeves.

All Students (Required) 

  • A white short-sleeved polo shirt with the school badge on the front and sports college and Maths/Computer logo on the sleeve.
  • • Plain black trousers of traditional cut and length.
  • • Plain black socks
  • • Plain Black shoes – must be a full shoe with no logos, stripes or colours.
  • No canvas shoes, trainers, dolly shoes, open sandal or high heels. 

PE Kit (Required)

  • •  House colour T-Shirt (no collar) with school logo on the front 
  • •  Plain black shorts (not hot pants or cycling shorts) 
  • •  White football/sports socks (no other socks will be allowed) – white sports socks are recommended for gymnastic activities.
  • •  Training shoes *please see below for specification

PE Kit (Recommended)

  • •  Black micro fleece with school logo on the front – recommended for PE outdoors. 
  • •  Plain black tracksuit bottoms with school logo – recommended for PE outdoors. 
  • •  Green rugby jersey (reversible – with colour band representing their house) with school logo on the front and Sports College logo on the sleeve – recommended for contact and outdoor sports e.g. rugby. 
Tracksuit Bottoms
For religious observance, where appropriate, students will be allowed to wear full length plain black tracksuit bottoms with school logo on; a note from home MUST be provided. 
When the weather is inclement a decision will be made on the day by the Head of Department if tracksuit bottoms may be worn. Students should bring all kit to school for every lesson. 
Training Shoes*
Students must have training shoes for all lessons – pumps and any type of high top footwear are not permitted. Training shoes should have an arch in the sole and have laces that can be tightened. Leisure shoes, for example VANS, high tops, Velcro straps, basketball shoes, fashion shoes, slip-ons are not permitted. 
Shin pads
Shin pads are required for football, although football boots are optional.
Pupils are encouraged to bring a towel and a change of underwear for PE lessons – especially when doing activities outdoors .  
House Colour T-Shirts

Other PE Kit 

House System 

Pupils have the opportunity to earn points and represent their house in a variety of activities including: sports competitions, games, quizzes and a variety of curriculum based activities. In PE lessons pupils wear their house colours in the form of a t-shirt. Once your child has been allocated a house, you will need to purchase a PE top in that houses colour.
Every student is allocated to one of the six house teams:
Pupils have the opportunity to earn points and represent their house in a variety of activities including: sports competitions, games, quizzes and a variety of curriculum based activities. In PE lessons pupils wear their house colours in the form of a t-shirt. Once your child has been allocated a house, you will need to purchase a PE top in that houses colour.
House Systems:

Equipment (Required)

  • •  2 x Black pens
  • •  Pencil
  • •  Purple Pen
  • •  Pencil sharpener
  • •  Rubber
  • •  30 cm ruler
  • •  Scientific calculator
  • •  Reading book 

Bag (Required)

  • •  Must be a strong, waterproof bag of at least A4 size.
  • •  No handbags, shopping bags, string bags (except for PE kit) or bags with large logos. 


  • • One small, plain, round, silver/gold stud per ear.
  • • No other piercings, stretchers or jewellery allowed at all. 

Make Up

  • •  No make-up allowed (including nail varnish) 


  • •  One natural colour, no highlights, no ‘V’ cuts, no tramlines, no hair extensions, no extreme hairstyles.
  • •  Black/dark green hair adornments only.
  • •  Minimum of “grade 2” haircuts – no shaved heads.
  • •  A short plain black headscarf can be worn to cover the hair. 


  • •  Maybe worn as necessary but must be without logos.
  • •  Outdoor wear must be warm and waterproof in a plain neutral colour
  • •  Outdoor wear must be without embellishments like studs, tassels or fur trims and not bearing logos.
  • •  No hoodies, denim, leather, fur, short jackets or sleeveless jackets. 
The school standards for hair, clothing and adornment should be smart and moderate in style. 

Religious Ceremonial Wear 

While the Governors of the school will always respect the right of students to follow their religious beliefs, they reserve the right to impose restrictions upon the bringing to school of articles that could endanger the well being of the wearer or other members of the school community. A school policy exists which relates specifically to the wearing of the Kirpan and Kara. It restricts the dimensions of the latter and the wearing of the Kirpan to those students who have undergone an official baptism ceremony. Before such a ceremony takes place, parents are advised to acquaint themselves with the terms and conditions of the policy by obtaining a copy from the school. In all cases the school must be informed before a student wears a Kirpan on the premises.

Uniform Suppliers

First Choice Uniforms

26 Union Street
Wednesbury, WS10 7HD
CC Uniforms
82 Kings Square, 
West Bromwich, B70 7NW
Crested School Wear
7 Victorian Arcade
Walsall, WS1 1RE

Clive Mark 
Walsall Store
Saddlers Shopping Centre, 1 Park St
Walsall, WS1 1YS 

Gogna Schoolwear and Sport

Junction 2 Industrial Estate
Unit 1b Demuth Way
Oldbury, B69 4LT

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Wood Green Academy is an 11-19 over-subscribed National Support School specialising in Sport, Maths and Computing.

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Excellence as Standard.

Company Number 07538389