ABOUT Wood Green academy
About Wood Green
Wood Green Academy offers exciting opportunities and a very broad range of experiences to its pupils. Although a large and diverse school, staff are friendly and supportive and there are ample opportunities for professional development and advancement for all teachers.
Wood Green Academy became a Specialist Sports College in 1998 and a Specialist Maths and Computing College in 2006. Since then we have gained several other awards: Investor in People, Sports mark Gold, Arts mark Gold, Healthy Schools, ICT mark, Training Development Agency Partnership School, Leading Edge Status and Teaching School.
Wood Green is a mixed 11-19 Community Comprehensive school in the North Sandwell Consortium (Wednesbury North).
In February 2020 we were inspected by Ofsted and we were judged to be a Good school under the new more demanding framework. Our behaviour was classed as Outstanding.
We are often asked what makes our school so successful and the answer is quite simple – it is hard work and teamwork, by teachers, support staff, pupils and parents. This is called doing things “The Wood Green Way! ”
- It is a cheerful place to teach and learn.
- We have excellent teachers and support staff who know the students well.
- Our enthusiastic and well-behaved students aspire to achieve their best.
- We offer an innovative broad and inclusive curriculum.
- Support and guidance through the student achievement and welfare system is very strong.
- There are a huge number of exciting extra-curricular and enrichment activities on offer.
- We have very supportive parents and Governors.
- We have excellent facilities, especially for Sport, Science and ICT, and over the last few years we have invested over £3m to improve the learning facilities.
- We are fully staffed with specialist teachers in all subject areas.
- We are all insistent, consistent and persistent in our drive to improve our standards.
- Our Examination Results have shown much improvement over the years and remain at a high standard, highlighting the excellent progress that students of Wood Green make.
- Our examination results make us one of the highest performing schools in Sandwell and the Black Country. However Wood Green isn’t just about examination results and our extra-curricular and enrichment activities allow our students to develop all important employability skills and resilience.
Our students have a national reputation in a number of sporting and non-sporting activities. We have national champions in a range of individual + team sports and have previously been National Debate Mate runners-up.
We are equally proud that students show a responsible and charitable attitude to others and are involved in a wide range of activities in the community. The smart, modern school uniform is worn with pride and the Student Council is always looking for ways in which we can all continue to improve our school.
- Leaders strive for pupils to leave school as ‘confident, successful, well-rounded young people’. Pupils have opportunities to enhance their wider experiences through the enrichment programme, clubs and visits.
- Pupils love coming to school which is why they attend so regularly. They enjoy their learning. Their behaviour in lessons and around school is exemplary. Pupils show a high level of respect for each other.
- Leaders are ambitious for pupils. This is why they offer a wide range of subjects they can choose to study at GCSE and in the sixth form.
- Lessons are planned effectively to extend pupils’ knowledge and skills.
- The learning hub is at the heart of leaders’ intentions that reading has a high priority.
- Low attaining pupils, disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities all achieve highly. Leaders deploy additional funding to provide effective additional support. The curriculum is planned well to ensure they are learning and remembering more.
- In the sixth form, leaders are highly committed to maintaining a broad range of options, however small the uptake. Leaders have also expanded the types of qualifications available.
- Pupils attitudes to learning are of a consistently high standard. Leaders’ expectations for behaviour are exceptionally high and pupils respond positively to this. Pupils are articulate and respectful of others’ opinions and beliefs.
- Leaders plan well for pupils’ personal development. The school’s personal, social, health and education programme ‘step up for life’ ensures that there is a high focus on religious and moral issues. The school has a comprehensive programme for careers advice and guidance.
- There is a strong culture of safeguarding in school. Leaders have a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities. They have put in place a thorough training programme for staff to ensure they are all fully equipped to respond to any safeguarding incidents.
These comments truly reflect what Wood Green is about.
As the Headteacher of Wood Green Academy, I have one clear aim in mind – to achieve ‘Excellence in Education’ for every student who attends Wood Green.
Senior Leadership Team
Name | Title |
Mr J Topham | Headteacher |
Mr M Bowers | Deputy Headteacher / Director of Curriculum |
Miss N Bruton | Deputy Headteacher / Director of Raising Achievement |
Ms E Haskins | Deputy Headteacher / Director of Teaching & Learning, CPD and Staffing |
Mr P Hesslegrave | Chief Finance Officer / Director of Finance and Resources |
Mrs B Smith | Deputy Headteacher / Director of Behaviour and Attendance |
Miss S Khan | Assistant Headteacher / Director of Personal Development |
Mrs S Valmalette-Wright | Assistant Headteacher / Director of Staff Recruitment, ITT and Career Development |
Mr I Baggley | Assistant Headteacher / Director of Student Experience and Opportunities |
Miss R Donaghie | Assistant Headteacher / Director of Safeguarding and Welfare |
Wood Green Academy is an 11-19 over-subscribed National Support School specialising in Sport, Maths and Computing.
School Links
Find Us
- Wood Green Academy
- Wood Green Road
- Wednesbury
- West Midlands
- WS10 9QU
- Tel: +44 (0)121 556 4131
- Email: admin@woodgreenacademy.co.uk
- Media Enquiries: communications@woodgreenacad.co.uk