Below is a collection of frequently asked questions that you might have about attending our school in September.
If you have any questions, worries or concerns please email:
Yes. The ‘Speak Out’ button on the school website allows you direct contact with Mrs J Wood 24 hours day.
Every member of staff has a duty to ensure you are healthy and happy and will help you with any problems you have. You will have most contact with your Form Tutor, your Head of Year and your Student Support Manager, so these are the people that you might want to talk to first.
If you don’t know the teachers name then ‘Sir’ or ‘Miss’ is what is expected.
Yes, teachers have duties at break and lunchtime so there will be someone you can go to if you need help during these times.
All staff at Wood Green wear blue lanyards with their staff badge attached at the bottom. If you are looking for a particular member of staff, just ask another member of staff and they will direct you to where you can find them.
Your timetable will be issued to you on your first day in September. On the timetable is all of the information you will need, including the subjects you will study, your teachers’ names, and all the classrooms your lessons are in. Your Form Tutor will help you to understand how to read your timetable on your first day in September.
Most of your lessons will be 1 hour long, although in Year 7 you might have double lessons (2 hours) in Design and Technology.
You should be able to get to your next lesson within a couple of minutes. Teachers expect new Year 7 students to take a bit longer than this for the first few weeks as they are getting to know the school site. If you are late to lesson because you got lost, just make sure you are polite and apologise to your teacher, however a quick warning; this excuse is not likely to work after October half term!
To begin with, you will probably need to have your timetable in your pocket or school bag so it is easy to access, but be careful not to lose it! Your Form Tutor will not have time to keep printing you a new timetable. Believe it or not, after a few months you will probably know your two week timetable without having to look at all!
If you have a medical reason to need to use the toilet during lesson time then you will be issued with a medical card to be able to do this. If you do not have a medical card, then you are expected to use the toilets at break and lunchtime, not during lessons!
Alan Turing building – Science, Computing, Food Technology
Sir Steve Redgrave building – Geography, History, PE, Music
The Hughes building – Science, Maths, English
The Weston building – Design and Technology, Art and Computing
Sir Isaac Newton building – Modern Foreign Languages, Science, Drama, Religious Education, PE, Computing
Denise Lewis sports centre – PE
All food must be consumed on the hard area of the site, not on the grass. This is to reduce litter across the school site.
The teacher that catches you eating on the school field will pass your name onto your Year Leader, who will then put you into a 30 minute litter picking detention on a night of their choice.
The teacher that catches you dropping litter will pass your name onto your Year Leader, who will then put you into a 30 minute litter picking detention each day for a whole week.
To keep you safe on our school site there are places you are not allowed to access. You will not be allowed inside the buildings at break time or lunchtime unless you are going to use the toilet, or going to see a teacher.
Students are not allowed behind Sports Hall 1.
Students are not allowed on the drive between the Turing block and Wood Green Road or the car park at the bottom.
Students are not allowed on the drive at the side of the Newton block or the car park at the bottom.
You cannot use the cricket nets unless you are playing cricket
You will be allowed in certain areas of the buildings if it is raining heavily. You can also find shelter outside of the sports hall by the Table Tennis tables - providing you are playing table tennis.
The fields are open at break time and lunchtime in dry weather. When the weather is too wet to use the fields your Form Tutor will let you know when they are closed.
When the weather is too wet to use the fields, Year 7 and 8 can still play on Newton Playground.
The cricket nets are for those playing cricket only.
You must not hang off the crossbars, pull on the nets or swing on the football/rugby posts or the cricket nets and frame.
You can only go on the field if you have finished eating. All litter must be put in the bin.
It is advisable to go to a social area that is close to your where your next lesson is. For example, If you play on Newton playground but have a lesson next in Turing block you might not have enough time to get there after the warning bell has rang.
Year 7 and 8 students can play football on the bottom half of the school field below the cricket strip. They can also use the tarmac areas at the side of and behind sports hall 2.
Your Head of Year will have some footballs for your year group (each year group has its own footballs – they are all different colours/patterns/sizes). You must return your football to the Y7 office before the end of lunch.
In lesson, anything that causes low level disruption will result in you getting a clear warning from your teacher.
Examples of low level disruption are:
Forgetting equipment/Homework
Calling out and chatting without permission
Not using appropriate classroom language
Answering back and arguing with adults
Being slow to start work and follow instructions
If you get more than 2 warnings you will automatically be put into a 30 minute detention that same day. Your Parent/Carer will be notified via text message at the end of the school day if you are in detention.
If you get a detention for low level disruption, you must attend a 30 minute detention the same day. Failure to attend the detention will mean you have to attend a 1 hour SLT Detention.
At Wood Green Academy we do not tolerate any kind of bullying. Any incidents should be reported to the Year Leader, who will take firm action to prevent any further incident. Wood Green Academy has a very clear anti bullying policy which can be found here. If you feel that you are being bullied, or know someone who is bullying, or being bullied, you MUST report it straight away to your Year Team at school.
You can also use the ‘Speak Out’ button on the website.
If any student is the recipient of, or witness to ANY form of unkind behaviour, we strongly urge them to tell a member of staff that they feel safe talking to, where it will be quickly dealt with accordingly. At Wood Green Academy we value the importance of being kind, having self discipline and taking personal responsibility for one’s actions. The school rules are designed to create the conditions for sustained good work and to encourage good manners and courtesy. We ask that at all times behaviour should be reasonable. Honesty, truthfulness, helpfulness and, above all, respect for others are stressed.
Wood Green Academy is an 11-19 over-subscribed National Support School specialising in Sport, Maths and Computing.
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- Wood Green Academy
- Wood Green Road
- Wednesbury
- West Midlands
- WS10 9QU
- Tel: +44 (0)121 556 4131
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