Safety & Wellbeing

safety & well being

Speak Out

Advice & Guidance

A dedicated area to help and support you on topics including bullying, gangs, relationships and radicalisation.

Speak Out is an online form, that will be sent directly to our child safety officer.  Press this if you are worried and feel unsafe, all emails shall be replied to within 24 hours. 

Safeguarding Alerts

Notification of safeguarding alerts within the area: West Midlands. Reference to date, time and case are also shown to highlight incident occurrence. 

Wellbeing 4 Life

A dedicated area to help and support you on topics of wellbeing and mental health. Here you will find self help resources and useful websites. 

Online Safety

A page dedicated to all things regarding online safety, containing useful websites and resources to provide support/guidance for parents and students.


A page dedicated to all things regarding Anti-Bullying, containing useful websites and resources to provide support/guidance for parents and students.

Wood Green Academy is an 11-19 over-subscribed National Support School specialising in Sport, Maths and Computing.

Find Us

Excellence as Standard.

Company Number 07538389