Student Leadership

student leadership

Student Leadership

At Wood Green Academy we believe that every student has the potential to be a successful leader. It is our aim that our student leaders are positive role models for the other students in the school. That they lead by example and demonstrate commitment to various areas of school life. These will improve their leadership skills, benefitting their school life and beyond. 


We aim to encourage all students to explore the many opportunities available to them from Year 7 to Year 13.


Students should be role models not only in lessons, around school but in other aspects of school life and outside of the school environment. Our student leaders are to set a good example to their peers, thereby positively influencing them through their actions. 

What Is Student Leadership? 


Student Leadership is about providing opportunities for young people to show what they are capable of, to develop I can, I will attributes and skills and show others what it means to be a leader within our school community.


Effective student leadership will: 


Give pupils an active role enabling them to influence decisions about these issues as well as in the implementation of these decisions. 


Enable pupils to participate as active young citizens. 


Help develop various areas of school life, making it a more positive experience for themselves and our pupil body.


There is much research evidence to suggest that when pupils engage with Pupil Leadership Programmes that have a positive impact, their capacity for learning increases.



Specific Aims of Our Student Leadership Programme 


There are four specific aims of the Student Leadership programme: 


To create positive working relationships between the staff and student leadership team.


To create a more positive school environment based on the contributions of the student leadership team.


To provide opportunities to develop leadership skills through a variety of inspiring and challenging projects which impact positively on learning, our environment, and the wellbeing of students at Wood Green Academy. 


To prepare students for future academic and pastoral challenges and for achieving personal and professional excellence. 


Wood Green Academy appoints student leaders in the summer term ready for September of each academic year.


Our School Charter

Wood Green Academy upholds a Charter of Rights that aligns with the principles of a UNICEF Rights Respecting School.


This charter ensures that every student has the right to education, safety, and expression. By integrating UNICEF’s framework, our school fosters an environment where students learn, grow, and thrive with dignity and respect. From the right to be heard to the right to learn in a safe space.


Our Charter of Rights mirrors UNICEF’s values, promoting a culture of understanding and empowerment among its student body.

Student Leadership News and Events

Wood Green Academy is an 11-19 over-subscribed National Support School specialising in Sport, Maths and Computing.

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