Key Stage 3
Year 7
There are 52 periods per fortnight.
(The hours per fortnight are in brackets after each subject).
English (7) (Drama 1) |
History (4) |
Science (6) |
Technology (4) |
MFL (6) |
Mathematics (7) |
Religious Education (2) |
Music (2) |
Art (2) |
Physical Education (4) |
Geography (4) |
Computing (2) |
Enrichment Activities (2) |
Students are taught in these groups for Art, English, Music, Geography, History and Religious Education. For Mathematics, MFL, Technology, PE, Science and Computing students are in sets according to their ability in each of the subjects. In July Year 6 students take a reading test which, along with the teacher assessments and recommendations, form the basis for the revision of the teaching groups.
Students’ progress is carefully monitored through internal progress checks, classwork, homework and internal assessments.
Year 8
Year 8 is organised along similar lines to Year 7, with the exceptions that English, Geography and History set students independently.
English (7) (Drama) | History (4) | Science (6) | Technology (4) |
MFL (6) | Mathematics (7) | Religious Education (2) | Music (2) |
Art (2) | Physical Education (4) | ||
Geography (4) | Computing (2) | Enrichment Activities (2) |
In Year 8 all students follow a structured options programme which enables them to make an informed choice as to which optional subjects they wish to study in Years 9, 10 and 11. The programme ensures that each student receives an information booklet, attends a presentation session, receives careers guidance and undergoes at least one interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team, the Year Leader or the SEND Co-ordinator. Parents and Carers are invited to attend both an Options Information Evening and a Progress Evening with subject staff.
Year 9
All students follow a compulsory core provision of Mathematics (8), Science (6), English Language and English Literature (8), Core PE (4), Core Computing (2), Core RE (2), plus four optional subjects (5 each).
At present the range of optional subjects offered comprises:
All optional subjects are studied over three years (Years 9, 10 and 11)
Art & Design | History |
Business Studies | ICT |
Computer Science | Media Studies |
Dance | Music |
Design Technology | PE |
Drama | Psychology |
Geography | Religious Studies |
French | Sociology |
Health And Social Care | Triple Science (Entry Criteria) | Retail Business |
Key Stage 4
Year 10 and 11
All students follow a compulsory core provision of Mathematics (8), English Language and English Literature (8), Science (10), Core PE (4) and four optional subjects (5 each)
Mathematics (8) | English Language and English Literature (8) | Science (10) | Core PE (4) |
All Years
Certain elements are common to the curriculum of all students in all years. Through the Step Up 4 Life Programme students will receive content on:
- Health and Well Being
- Citizenship
- Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Awareness
- Preparing for Life in the Wider World
- Developing Character for Life
- Safety First
Key Stage 5 (16 to 19 Study Programme)
Year 12 and 13
Students who wish to continue their studies are invited to participate in an Induction Programme which begins in Year 11. This consists of an Open Evening, taster days, presentations and interviews, at various stages, with the Post 16 Director and members of the Senior Leadership Team.
Courses are offered at Advanced Level for students who wish to improve their general education by undertaking more advanced work in preparation for admission to Higher Level Apprenticeship or Higher Education.
A Level Courses available are:
Accounting |
Fine Art |
Biology |
Business Studies |
Chemistry |
Computer Science |
Design and Technology |
Drama and Theatre |
English Language |
English Literature |
EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) |
French / German |
Further Mathematics |
Geography |
History |
Maths |
Media Studies |
Music |
Photography |
Physical Education |
Physics |
Psychology |
Religious Studies |
Sociology |
Criminology |
Vocational Level 3 Courses (to be taken alongside A Level Subjects) available are:
Vocational Level 3 Health and Social Care | Vocational Level 3 Cambridge Technicals in ICT | BTEC National Extended Certificate in Sport |
Vocational Full Time Level 3 Courses available are:
Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care |
Extended Diploma in Business |
- • Study Support, PE enrichment and Independent study.
We encourage all students to participate in enrichment activities e.g. student ambassadors, classroom helpers, mentors, study buddies, sport leaders, charity work, work experience and university visits etc.
Withdrawal from Religious Education (RE) Lessons
At Wood Green Academy, parents and carers have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the Religious Education curriculum in accordance with Schedule 19 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. However, we encourage parents to feel assured by the inclusive and balanced nature of the religious education offered at our school. If a parent is considering withdrawal, we recommend that they arrange a meeting with the Year Leader and Head of RE to discuss any concerns. This initial discussion will explore the potential impact of withdrawal on the child’s educational experience. We want parents to have a clear understanding of our RE syllabus, which aims to be relevant and respectful to all pupils while considering personal beliefs. Parents will be informed of the learning objectives and content covered in the RE curriculum and are welcome to discuss this further if they wish.
At Wood Green Academy, requests for withdrawal will be reviewed annually in consultation with parents. Parents should clarify whether they want their child to be withdrawn from the entire subject or only specific parts of it, and no justification is required for the request. The school will respect this right and, if RE is integrated into other subjects, will work with parents or carers to determine how best to support the child’s withdrawal. Once a child has been withdrawn from RE, they will not be able to participate in RE lessons until the withdrawal request is formally removed by the parent or carer.
Providing an Alternative to RE Lessons
We have a duty to supervise pupils who have been withdrawn from RE, but we are not required to:
- – Provide additional non-RE teaching.
- – Incur additional costs for alternative provision.
Parents or carers will not be asked to supervise their children during RE lessons. However, we can discuss alternative arrangements for providing RE that meets the preferences of the parents or carers. This is supported under section 71(3) of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 for maintained schools.
This might include:
- – Offering suitable RE within our school.
- – Facilitating the pupil’s attendance at another school that offers appropriate RE, if practical.
- – Allowing the pupil to be withdrawn from school for a reasonable period to attend external RE sessions.
Trips to Places of Worship
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from any trips that form part of the RE curriculum. If a parent or carer expresses concern about a trip, we will arrange a meeting to:
- – Explain the purpose of the trip and how it connects to the pupil’s learning.
- – Invite the parent or carer to join the trip, if feasible.
- – Outline any potential disadvantages to the pupil of not attending, such as missing the opportunity to experience a unique environment.
At Wood Green Academy, we strive to foster positive relationships among pupils from diverse cultures and backgrounds. This approach aligns with our commitment to promoting equality and inclusivity, as outlined in the Equality Act 2010.
More Details About Our Curriculum
To find out more details about our curriculum please view our curriculum model below.
Wood Green Academy is an 11-19 over-subscribed National Support School specialising in Sport, Maths and Computing.
School Links
Find Us
- Wood Green Academy
- Wood Green Road
- Wednesbury
- West Midlands
- WS10 9QU
- Tel: +44 (0)121 556 4131
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