RAAC Update


RAAC Update

Dear Parent / Carer,


Many thanks for your patience since my previous letter to you about the presence of Reinforced Autoclave Aerated Concrete, (RAAC), in some classrooms in Weston block and the likely disruption to the start of the new school year.  You can see my previous letter on the school website.


Following a further meeting with the DfE and LA, I can confirm that there will be a staggered start to the new school year as follows:


Monday 4th September and Tuesday 5th September 2023


School will be open for year 12 student interviews only.


Wednesday 6th September 2023


School will be open for Years 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13 students only.  


Years 7, 8, 12 and 13 should enter via the St. Pauls Rd entrance and Year 11 students should enter via the Wood Green Rd entrance.


Thursday 7th September 2023


School will be open for Years 7, 9, 11, 12 and 13 students only.


Years 7, 12 and 13 should enter via the St. Pauls Rd entrance and Years 9 and 11 students should enter via the Wood Green Rd entrance.


Friday 8th September 2023


School will open for Years 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13 students only.


Years 7, 12 and 13 should enter via the St. Pauls Rd entrance and Years 10 and 11 students should enter via the Wood Green Rd entrance.


The staggered start is due to the loss of a number of classrooms in the Weston Block where structural building work will commence as soon as possible.  We are also awaiting the results from a structural survey on part of the Newton Block which is scheduled for the morning of Monday 4th September which affects a number of other classrooms and offices. 


Clearly, this is not the start to the new academic year that we would wish for, and we appreciate the inconvenience that this causes, but our priority has to be the safety of all our students and staff. We can assure you that we are doing everything we can to return all students to school as soon as possible. We continue to consult with both the DFE and the Local Authority and are developing a number of plans which will be executed depending upon the results of the latest surveys.


I will write to you again on or before Wednesday 6th September to provide a further update and to confirm arrangements for week commencing Monday 11th September.   Thank you for your continued patience and support.


Yours faithfully


Mr J. Topham











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