Safeguarding Weekly Advice
Flashpoint – Safeguarding reminder – Radicalisation
It is important that as a school, family and community we work together to make sure that children and young people are safe both face to face and on line. Families and friends are often first to know when something is not right with their child and can spot worrying behaviour. One concern that parents need to be aware of is the risk that is posed by those who wish to groom and exploit young people into possible terrorist and extreme ideologies. This process is known as radicalisation.
Who is at risk
Children who may be at risk of radicalisation may have low self-esteem or be victims of bullying or discrimination. They may feel:
- – isolated and lonely or wanting to belong
- – unhappy about themselves and what others might think of them
- – embarrassed or judged about their culture, gender, religion or race
- – stressed or depressed
- – fed up of being bullied or treated badly by other people or by society
- – angry at other people or the government
- – confused about what they are doing
- – pressured to stand up for other people who are being oppressed
How and where can it happen?
People can be radicalised by family members or friends, through direct contact with extremist groups, or through the internet. Extremist messages or membership of an extremist group can offer a sense of purpose, community and identity which may be appealing, especially if someone is experiencing challenges in their life. Teenagers can be at greater risk because they are more independent, exploring new things and pushing boundaries as they grow and discover more about their identity, faith and sense of belonging. Extremist groups often target young people via the internet and social media.
The process may involve:
- – being groomed online or in person
- – exploitation, including sexual exploitation
- – psychological manipulation
- – exposure to violent material and other inappropriate information
- – the risk of physical harm or death through extremist acts
Signs to be aware of
Signs of radicalisation aren’t always obvious and it can be hard to know when extreme views become something dangerous. There is no specific profile for a person likely to become involved in extremism or a single indicator of when a person might move to adopt violence in support of extremist ideas.
Radicalisation can be difficult to spot, but signs that could indicate a child is being radicalised include:
- – a change in behaviour
- – changing their circle of friends
- – isolating themselves from family and friends
- – talking as if from a scripted speech
- – unwillingness or inability to discuss their views
- – a sudden disrespectful attitude towards others
- – increased levels of anger
- – increased secretiveness, especially around internet use
- – accessing extremist material online
- – using extremist or hate terms to exclude others or incite violence
- – writing or creating artwork promoting violent extremist messages
However, these signs don’t necessarily mean a child is being radicalised – sometimes it may be normal teenage behaviour or a sign that something else is wrong but it always better to be safe and follow up any concerns or nagging doubts.
What can I do?
We all have a role in ensuring that our communities remain safe. As a parent or someone within your community you can make a difference by sharing any concerns you may have about individuals or groups you meet at work, socially or in any other context. There is strong evidence to show that intervention can stop someone becoming a terrorist or supporting violent extremism.
Therefore if you believe someone is at risk of radicalisation you can help them get support and prevent them becoming involved in terrorism and potentially violent activities by raising your concerns .
To refer people under 18, please submit the national Prevent referral form to MASH and CTU (Counter Terrorism Unit) at the same time so any safeguarding concerns that are not Prevent related can be picked up by MASH. There is no need to fill in a separate MARF form with a referral for under 18s.
For over 18s, please submit the national Prevent referral form to CTU West Midlands Police .
If you see it, suspect it – report it!
The government has developed a process called ‘Prevent’ to help people who have been identified as being potentially vulnerable to radicalisation or extremism. Channel is part of this process, and is means of providing practical support to people at risk of being drawn towards terrorism or violent extremism. Partners include local authorities, healthcare providers, the police and members of the community, who work together to support individuals vulnerable to radicalisation and provide tailored safeguarding measures to support their needs. A range of options are available including mentoring, welfare support and access to key services.
Early detection and referral is important, offering the best chance of stopping people from being drawn into terrorism.
It is important to note that extremism itself is not illegal and that those referred to Prevent will not be automatically criminalised.
If you suspect that someone is about to put themselves in danger by travelling to join a terrorist organisation, or appears involved in plans to commit a criminal offence, please inform the police immediately by calling 999.