
Attendance at Wood Green Academy

At Wood Green Academy, we believe that consistent attendance is key to student success. Good attendance (at 98% or above) is one of our school’s main priorities and when students attend school every day, they not only gain a deeper understanding of the curriculum but also develop strong habits of responsibility, discipline, and commitment. Regular attendance contributes to:


Academic Progress: Every lesson missed means valuable learning time lost. Students who attend school consistently are better equipped to keep up with lessons, complete coursework, and perform well on assessments. Studies show that high attendance rates correlate with improved academic achievement.


Social Development: School is not just about academics. Regular attendance ensures that students build positive relationships with their peers and teachers. It provides opportunities for social interaction and the development of communication and teamwork skills.


Building a Positive Work Ethic: Regular attendance helps students develop habits that will serve them well in the future, whether in further education, training, or the workforce. Demonstrating reliability and commitment is crucial for success in any career


Minimising Gaps in Learning: Missing even a day of school can lead to gaps in understanding that become harder to fill over time. Consistent attendance reduces the risk of falling behind, ensuring a smoother learning journey

We encourage all students and families to make attendance a priority. If any barriers to attendance arise, please reach out to our school support team. Together, we can ensure that every student has the best chance to succeed.



To see the full attendance policy please visit Full Attendance Policy

Should I keep my child off school?

At Wood Green Academy, we emphasise that excellent attendance is key to achieving academic success and personal growth. Attending school regularly ensures that students can fully participate in lessons, develop their skills, and build meaningful relationships with peers and staff. Every school day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and prepare for the future, and missing even one day can create gaps in knowledge and hinder progress. We encourage all students to strive for outstanding attendance, as this reflects their dedication to education and commitment to their future aspirations. Parents play a vital role in this effort by encouraging their children to attend school consistently, promoting the importance of education, and supporting them in overcoming any challenges that may prevent regular attendance. Together, we can create a culture where every day counts, and every student is supported in reaching their full potential.


Please see the “Should I Keep my child off school” poster for more details.

get to know

The Attendance Team

At Wood Green Academy, our dedicated Attendance Team is committed to fostering punctuality and presence. Understanding the link between regular attendance and success, we monitor student attendance, support families, and collaborate with teachers. Our goal is to inspire consistent attendance, enhancing students’ well-being and academic achievements. By promoting a positive school environment, we ensure students are present, prepared, and poised for success every day.

Name Title
Mrs B Smith Deputy Headteacher / Director of Behaviour and Attendance
Mrs P Dhani KS3 Attendance Coordinator and Transistion Coordinator
Miss K Bate KS4 Attendance Coordinator
Ms L Farmer Family Liason Officer
Mrs V Williams Student Attendance Manager

Holidays During Term Time.

If you choose to take your child out of school during term time without leave of absence being granted, then it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. The government has passed legislation regarding students missing school to go on holiday.  

The regulations mean that from 1st September 2013, Head Teachers may not grant leave of absence during term time, unless there are very exceptional circumstances that have been agreed in advance.  Exceptional circumstances do not include family holidays, visiting relatives or friends, spectating at sporting or other events, looking after family members who are unwell, babysitting younger family members, birthdays or shopping.

Penalty Notices may be issued to the Parent/Carer of pupils who have unauthorised absence from school. The amount of the penalty notice is £80.

  • If this is not paid within 21 days, the amount rises to £160.

  • If not paid within 28 days, the Local Authority may prosecute under Section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996.


After serious consideration of this, you still propose to take your child away from school during term time, a ‘Leave of Absence’ request form must be completed by parents / carers and returned to school at least two weeks before the proposed absence.  Absence request forms are available through the Attendance Team.

Parents / Carers cannot authorise the absence themselves, which means that permission should be requested before tickets are booked.

Support with Mental Health

If your child or a member of your family need help with mental health, please reach out.
Open the link for professional advice, helplines, and services tailored to your needs. You are not alone.



Attend School for the Best Start in Life

Please see the letter below, from the Director of Children and Education, Sandwell, about supporting your child / children to Attend School for the best start in life.


School Health Nurses

I have been told my child will be referred to the School Health Nurses, what does this mean?


Use the link to find out more what this means.


Pharmacy First

Pharmacy First is a NHS service being offered from pharmacies across England. This NHS service allows children and adults to get quick access to healthcare advice as they can walk into a pharmacy and access the service, removing the potential delay of having to wait for a GP appointment. The person will be offered a consultation with a pharmacist in a private consultation room, with some pharmacies also offering the service remotely as a video consultation.


To find out more about Pharmacy First please look at the letter below and also view the promotional cards and video aswell. 


Hear about our latest

Attendance News and Events

Check out our latest attendance news at Wood Green Academy! Celebrating student achievements in punctuality and commitment to learning. Our dedicated staff and students continue to strive for excellence in attendance. Stay updated on our website for more attendance highlights and encouraging stories from our vibrant school community.

Wood Green Academy is an 11-19 over-subscribed National Support School specialising in Sport, Maths and Computing.

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