
Sixth Form > Our Pathways



On this popular course students will be covering key areas in Psychology and gaining an understanding of how Psychology is applied in everyday life. This qualification offers an engaging and effective introduction to Psychology. Students will learn the fundamentals of the subject and develop skills valued by Higher Education (HE) and employers, including critical analysis, independent thinking, and research. It offers insight into both normal and abnormal behaviour and helps us to develop greater understanding of behaviour in our society. It is a step up from GCSE Psychology, studying topics in greater depth and adding greater theoretical knowledge. However, you can study A level if you have not completed the GCSE course.


Examination Board AQA

Specification Number 7182

Sixth Form > Our Pathways


On this popular course, students will be covering key areas in Psychology and gaining an understanding of how Psychology is applied in everyday life. This qualification offers an engaging and effective introduction to Psychology. 

Examination Board AQA

Specification Number 7182

Let's go on a journey to find your future.

Wood Green Academy is one of Sandwell’s longest-established and highest-achieving Sixth Form Centres. 

Course Overview

On this popular course students will be covering key areas in Psychology and gaining an understanding of how Psychology is applied in everyday life. This qualification offers an engaging and effective introduction to Psychology. Students will learn the fundamentals of the subject and develop skills valued by Higher Education (HE) and employers, including critical analysis, independent thinking, and research. It offers insight into both normal and abnormal behaviour and helps us to develop greater understanding of behaviour in our society. It is a step up from GCSE Psychology, studying topics in greater depth and adding greater theoretical knowledge. However, you can study A level if you have not completed the GCSE course.

Topics Covered
  • - Social Influence 
  • - Memory
  • - Attachment
  • - Psychopathology
  • - Biopsychology
  • - Approaches in Psychology 
  • - Research Methods
  • - Issues & Debates in Psychology 
  • - Relationships
  • - Schizophrenia
  • - Aggression 



As part of our ongoing dedication to providing wider opportunities that support our pupils’ learning and development, we arrange a Brain Day for the A level Psychology students which is led by Dr Guy Sutton. The aim of the workshop is to aid the knowledge and understanding of the students for the Neuropsychology and Schizophrenia unit of their A level course. During the day, students take part in a workshop which provides them with an overview of how the mammalian brain works, illustrating some principles of brain function and gives them further insight into what happens when the brain becomes damaged.



Course Leader of Psychology

Miss Shaw

Entry Requirements

Sixth Form Entry Criteria: 

A minimum of 5 9-5 GCSE grades, which must include a grade 5 or above in either English Language or English Literature. 

Special Entry Requirements:
  • GCSE Maths 5+
  • GCSE Psychology 5+ (if studied) 


Students must be prepared to work long hours outside lesson time to regularly review the topics covered.

Assessment Information


Paper 1: Introductory topics in Psychology

For this unit you will study: Social influence, Memory,  Attachment and Psychopathology. 


Paper 2: Psychology in Context

For this unit you will study: Approaches in Psychology, Biopsychology and Research Methods.


Paper 3: Issues and Options in Psychology

For this unit you will study: Issues and debates in Psychology, Relationships, Schizophrenia and Aggression.


Assessment Topic Area Duration Value
Paper 1

Introductory topics in Psychology:

Social influence, Memory, Attachment, Psychopathology.

96 marks in total and contains multiple choice, short answer, and extended writing skills.

2 hour written exam33.3%
Paper 2

Psychology in Context:

Approaches, Biopsychology, Research Methods.

96 marks in total and contains multiple choice, short answer, and extended writing skills.

2 hour written exam33.3%
Paper 3

Issues and Options in Psychology:

Issues and Debates, Eating, Aggression, Relationships

96 marks in total and contains multiple choice, short answer, and extended writing skills.

2 hour written exam33.3%


Progression Route

This subject opens the door to a wide range of opportunities in Psychology such as: Counselling, Clinical Psychology, Sports Psychology, Educational Psychology, Social work and Criminal Psychology.

How do I prepare? 

Recommended Reads
The Lucifer Effect - How good people turn evilPhillip Zimbardo
One Flew over the Cuckoo's NestKen Kesey
RoomEmma Donoghue
The Bell JarSylvia Plath
We need to talk about KevinLionel Shriver
Download Wider Reading List for Psychology

    Course Leader of Psychology

    Miss Shaw

    Wood Green Academy is an 11-19 over-subscribed National Support School specialising in Sport, Maths and Computing.

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