
Sixth Form > Our Pathways


If you are looking for a future using communication skills, interpersonal skills, problem-solving, teamwork, organisational skills and independence, as well as excellent job prospects, then a modern language is for you. Languages are a personal skill and as such are an enriching experience with plenty of added value.


A qualification in AS or A2 French is very highly regarded by universities.

Examination Board: EDUQAS

Specification Number: A800QS

Sixth Form > Our Pathways


If you are looking for a future using communication skills, interpersonal skills, problem-solving, team-work, organisational skills and independence, as well as excellent job prospects, then a modern language is for you. Languages are a personal skill and as such are an enriching experience with plenty of added value.

A qualification in AS or A2 French is very highly regarded by universities.


Examination Board EDUQAS

Specification Number:

Let's go on a journey to find your future.

Wood Green Academy is one of Sandwell’s longest-established and highest-achieving Sixth Form Centres. 

Course Overview

If you are looking for a future using communication skills, interpersonal skills, problem-solving, team-work, organisational skills and independence, as well as excellent job prospects, then German is for you. Languages are a personal skill and as such are an enriching experience with plenty of added value.

A qualification in A Level German is very highly regarded by all universities too.


Areas of interest

Social issues and trends

Political, intellectual and artistic culture



Theme 1: Being a young person in French-speaking society


. Family structures, traditional and modern values, friendships / relationships

. Youth trends, issues and personal identity

. Educational and employment opportunities.

Theme 2: Understanding the French-speaking world


· Regional culture and heritage in France, French-speaking countries and communities.

. Literature, art, film and music in the French speaking world.




Theme 3: Diversity and difference


· Migration and integration

· Cultural identity and marginalisation

· Cultural enrichment and celebrating difference

· Discrimination and diversity



Theme 4:  France 1940-1950: The Occupation and the post-war years


. From June 1940-May 1945 (occupation, liberation and end of World War II)

. Life in Occupied France and the cultural dimension (théâtre, cinéma, littérature)

. 1945-1950: rebuilding and restructuring

. Repercussions for modern day France


Entry Requirements

Sixth Form Entry Criteria: 

A minimum of 5 9-5 GCSE grades, which must include a grade 5 or above in either English Language or English Literature. If students do not have a grade 4+ in GSCE Maths they will be required to re-sit this qualification. 

Special Entry Requirements:
  • GCSE French 6+

Students must be prepared to work long hours outside lesson time to regularly review the topics covered.

Assessment Information

All assessments are to be taken at the end of Year 13.

Assessment Topic DurationValue
Component 1 Speaking ExamPresentation and discussion of independent research project followed by discussion of stimulus card. 21-23 minutes. 30% of qualification 
Component 2 Listening, Reading and TranslationAnswering questions based on French passages, translation from French into English. 2 hours 30 minutes.

50% of qualification .

Component 3Critical and analytical response in writingTwo written essays- one based on the literary work (No et Moi) and the second on a film (Les Choristes). 2 hours.        20% of qualification 

Progression Route


Language study gives you invaluable practical and transferable skills for the future. You may choose to specialise in French at university or combine your language with other subjects such as Engineering, Management and Business Studies, Teaching, Fashion Design, Travel and Hospitality Management, Accountancy, European Studies, or even Medicine. Many A level language students also take advantage of spending some time abroad after their examinations.


You can visit the language gap  and also like their Facebook page for more information on careers.

How do I prepare? 


1) Read the specification and know what is expected of you during the 2 year course:


  • Click on ‘Download’ underneath the ‘A Level French Specification’.



2) Know your basic verbs and grammar rules:


  • Recap basic rules on how to conjugate verbs into the present, past and future tenses. You can use your grammar book or your revision guide from GCSE French to help you with this; alternatively, have a go at some of the grammar tasks online on SAM Learning, BBC Bitesize or S-cool.
Course Leader of French


Mrs S Boddison

Wood Green Academy is an 11-19 over-subscribed National Support School specialising in Sport, Maths and Computing.

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