Level 3 Cambridge Technical Extended Diploma in Health & Social Care

Sixth Form > Our Pathways

Level 3 Cambridge Technical

Extended Diploma in

Health & Social Care

Our Cambridge Technicals in Health and Social Care uses direct experience to help students develop the underpinning knowledge as well as practical and personal skills required to work in this sector. They learn how to deliver person-centred care and support to meet the needs of a variety of service-users.

Sixth Form > Our Pathways

Level 3 Cambridge Technical

Extended Diploma in Health & Social Care

Our Cambridge Technicals in Health and Social Care uses direct experience to help students develop the underpinning knowledge as well as practical and personal skills required to work in this sector. They learn how to deliver person-centred care and support to meet the needs of a variety of service-users.

Let's go on a journey to find your future.

Wood Green Academy is one of Sandwell’s longest-established and highest-achieving Sixth Form Centres. 

Course Overview

Our Cambridge Technicals in Health and Social Care uses direct experience to help students develop the underpinning knowledge as well as practical and personal skills required to work in this sector. They learn how to deliver person-centred care and support to meet the needs of a variety of service users.

Topics Covered
  • – Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care

  • – Health, safety and security in health and social care

  • – Anatomy and physiology for health and social care

  • – Personalisation and a person-centred approach to care

  • – Safeguarding

  • – Research methods in health, social care and childcare

Course Leader of Health & Social Care

Mrs Thornton

Entry Requirements

Sixth Form Entry Criteria: 

The Sixth Form entry criteria is a minimum of 5 9-4 GCSE grades, which must include a grade 4 or above in Maths and either English Language or English Literature. In addition, the minimum subject entry criteria must be met.

Special Entry Requirements:
  • OCR Cambridge Technical in Health and Social Care Level 2 Merit or above (if studied)


Students must be prepared to work long hours outside lesson time to regularly review the topics covered.

Assessment Information


Exam of each unit to be taken at the end of Year 12 study. 


Assessment Topic Area
Paper 1Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care
Paper 2Health, safety and security in health and social care
Paper 3Anatomy and physiology for health and social care
Paper 4Personalisation and a person – centred approach to care
Paper 5Safeguarding 
Paper 6Research methods in health, social care and childcare

NEA to be complete in Year 12


  • – Infection control
  • – Public health
  • – Career planning for health and social care


Coursework to be completed in Year  13


  • – Building positive relationships in health and social care


Students must pass all units in order to pass the course. One examination resit is allowed per examined unit.


Work Experience


Alongside their studies, all students will be supported to help find a suitable work experience placement related to a career in the Health, social or early years sector which they are interested in. Students will also have the opportunity to achieve a level 3 first aid qualification.


Progression Route

This pathway is particularly suitable for students who wish to pursue careers in Health, social or early year’s services.

This course can lead to careers in a wide variety of health, social or early years settings such as nursing, midwifery, paramedic science, nursery nursing, occupational health, speech and language therapy, community care work to name but a few.

This course can also link to careers in the beauty industry where a nursing qualification is needed to be able to carry out certain procedures.

How do I prepare? 

Recommended Reads
The HelpKathryn Stockett
My Sisters KeeperJodi Picoult
Moab is my washpotStephen Fry
Elanor Oliphant is completely fineGail Honeyman
Elizabeth is MissingEmma Healey
The Fault in Our StarsJohn Green
Recommended Films
The NotebookThe Blindside
Silver LiningsHidden Figures
A Northern SoulFive feet apart
Download Wider Reading List for Health & Social Care

    Course Leader of Health & Social 

    Mrs Thornton


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