EPQ (Extended Project Qualification)

Sixth Form > Our Pathways

Extended Project Qualification

The EPQ is an additional qualification you can take alongside your other A Levels. It is worth half an A level, and therefore extra UCAS points. The course is completed in Year 12. It runs from after October half-term until June.

Examination Board AQA

Specification Number 7993

Sixth Form > Our Pathways

Extended Project Qualification

The EPQ is an additional qualification you can take alongside your other A Levels. It is worth half an A level, and therefore extra UCAS points. The course is completed in Year 12. It runs from after October half-term until June.

Examination Board AQA

Specification Number 7993

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Wood Green Academy is one of Sandwell’s longest-established and highest-achieving Sixth Form Centres. 

Course Overview

The EPQ is an additional qualification you can take alongside your other A Levels. It is worth half an A level, and therefore extra UCAS points. The course runs from October-June.

The EPQ involves;
  • – Choosing a topic you are interested in

  • – Carrying out research about the topic

  • – Producing EITHER a 5,000-word essay OR a ‘product/Artefact’’ and a 1000 word report.

  • – Managing your project from planning to completion

  • – A presentation explaining your ‘EPQ journey’ to a small audience.


Why choose the EPQ?


It allows you to show both Universities and future employers that you have the following skills.


  • – Working to deadlines
  • – Working with others
  • – Planning and management of a project
  • – Decision making and problem solving
  • – Essay writing skills
  • – Presentation skills
  • – Communication skills
Course Leader of EPQ

Mrs Clifton

Entry Requirements

Sixth Form Entry Criteria: 

A minimum of 5 9-5 GCSE grades, which must include a grade 5 or above in either English Language or English Literature. If students do not have a grade 4+ in GSCE Maths they will be required to re-sit this qualification. 

Special Entry Requirements:
  • Pupils will be asked to apply for the course by submitting a research proposal, this usually occurs towards the end of September in Year 12.

Students must be prepared to work long hours outside lesson time to regularly review the topics covered.

Assessment Information

Assessment Evidence  Topic Area
Project 1

Candidate Report Form and Production log

Project 2 

5000-word essay or artefact and a 1000 word report

Project 3
Live Presentation to a small audience

Progression Route

This course will enable pupils to learn vital skills needed for further education and/or employment.


The EPQ can be an advantage when applying to University by;
• Reducing the level of a university offer
• Giving your application preference over students who have not undertaken EPQ

• Providing a focus for valued content within your personal statement
• Providing a major focus for interview discussion

How do I prepare? 

To prepare for the EPQ course you should start investigating some possible topic areas you are interested in.  Decide if you think you would you be more suited to writing an essay or creating an artefact?


The EPQ can be on any topic that isn’t directly assessed in your chosen A level courses.  It can be something you have a personal interest in or perhaps something you wish to study at university. Start with a few ideas and start researching. Be sure to keep a log of any useful research you find.

Click the below link to watch our EPQ How to Prepare Video
More information about the EPQ Course
Course Leader of EPQ

Mrs Clifton


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