English Language

Sixth Form > Our Pathways

English Language

This course offers an engaging and up-to-date insight into the way the English Language is shaped through diversity, change and attitudes. Develop a sharp analysis of a range of text and data-based language sources and explore how the relationship between the producer and receiver is fundamental in conveying meaning.

Examination Board AQA

Specification Number 7702

Sixth Form > Our Pathways

English Language

This course offers an engaging and up-to-date insight into the way the English Language is shaped through diversity, change and attitudes. Develop a sharp analysis of a range of text and data-based language sources and explore how the relationship between the producer and receiver is fundamental in conveying meaning.

Examination Board AQA

Specification Number 7702

Let's go on a journey to find your future.

Wood Green Academy is one of Sandwell’s longest-established and highest-achieving Sixth Form Centres. 

Course Overview

This course offers an engaging and up-to-date insight into the way the English Language is shaped through diversity, change and attitudes. Develop a sharp analysis of a range of text and data-based language sources and explore how the relationship between the producer and receiver is fundamental in conveying meaning.


Paper 1: Language, the Individual and Society Covers:

  • – Exploring the acquisition of language from childhood right through to how we use language to understand and express ourselves.
  • – Developing a toolkit of methods to analyse language and to explore audience, purpose, genre, mode and representation.


Paper 2: Language, Diversity and Change Covers:

  • – Understanding language use in wider social and geographical contexts.
  • – Exploring social attitudes towards language diversity and language change.
  • – Engaging with how language is constructed for purpose, audience and context and the impact of these factors in the production and reception of language.


Non-exam Assessment: Language in Action Covers:


In this assessment, you will investigate an area of the English Language to develop an understanding of how language is used in real life contexts. This 2,000 word investigation will be accompanied by a piece of original writing and supporting commentary of 1,500 words. The non-exam assessment is worth 20% of the A Level English Language course.


The A Level English Language course will develop your own skills in writing discursively about language forms, in a variety of ways, to produce academic essays.

Course Leader of English Language

Mr Dale

Entry Requirements

Sixth Form Entry Criteria: 

A minimum of 5 9-5 GCSE grades, which must include a grade 5 or above in either English Language or English Literature. 

Special Entry Requirements:
  • GCSE English Language 6+

Students must be prepared to work long hours outside lesson time to regularly review the topics covered.

English Language 6
English Language or English Literature
English Language or English Literature 5

Assessment Information


This course is linear; students will sit all of the A Level exams at the end of the A Level course.


Assessment Topic Area Duration Value
Paper 1Language, the Individual and Society (Two Sections)2 hours and 30 mins40%
Paper 2Language, Diversity and Change (Two Sections)2 hours and 30 mins40%
Non-exam AssessmentLanguage in ActionLanguage investigation plus a piece of original writing with a supporting commentary.20%

Students will sit all of the A Level exams at the end of the A Level course.

Progression Route

This qualification offers a wide range of opportunities, including English teaching, journalism, publishing and the advertising industry.

How do I prepare? 

Recommended Reads
Eats, Shoots and LeavesL Truss
Literacy and EducationK Pahl and J Rowsell
The Language of ChildrenJ Gillen
What Did I Write?M Clay
The Stories of EnglishD Crystal
Lost for WordsJ Humphrys
Vanishing VoicesD Nettle and S Romaine
Explorations in the Functions of LanguageM Halliday
The Development of Writing AbilitiesJ.N Britton
The King’s EnglishJ.D Nicholl
Words on the MoveJ McWhorter
Changing EnglishD Graddol, D Leith and J Swann
Language DiversityD Clayton and R Drummond
Download Wider Reading List for English Language

    Course Leader of English Language

    Mr Dale


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