
Sixth Form > Our Pathways


History will develop your skills of research, analysis, data handling, using evidence and report writing, all essential in the world of work. It will give you a greater understanding of the world in which you live.


You will do a variety of activities: pair work, group work, PowerPoint presentations, speeches, source analysis, picture annotations, magazine articles, posters and possibly go on study courses on the Tudors and Nazi Germany.

Examination Board AQA

Sixth Form > Our Pathways


It will develop your skills of research, analysis, data handling, using evidence and report writing, all essential in the world of work. It will give you a greater understanding of the world in which you live.

You will do a variety of activities: pair work, group work, PowerPoint presentations, speeches, source analysis, picture annotations, magazine articles, posters and possibly go on study courses on the Tudors and Nazi Germany.

Examination Board AQA

Let's go on a journey to find your future.

Wood Green Academy is one of Sandwell’s longest-established and highest-achieving Sixth Form Centres. 

Course Overview

It will develop your skills of research, analysis, data handling, using evidence and report writing, all essential in the world of work.

It will give you a greater understanding of the world in which you live.

You will do a variety of activities: pair work, group work, PowerPoint presentations, speeches, source analysis, picture annotations, magazine articles, posters and possibly go on study courses on the Tudors and Nazi Germany.

Component 1: The Tudors England 1485-1603
  • Part One: Consolidation of the Tudor dynasty (1485-1547)
  • Henry VII, Henry VIII and Wolsey, foreign policy, Reformation and Royal Supremacy
  • Part Two: Turmoil and Triumph (1547-1603) Edward VI, Dukes of Somerset and Northumberland, religious change, Mary I, Elizabeth I, relations with Parliament, Privy Council, Mary Queen of Scots, Catholic and Puritan threats, relationship with foreign powers.
Component 2: Democracy and Nazism Germany 1918-1945
  • Part One: Weimar Germany (1918-1924) impact of Treaty of Versailles, economic problems, Golden Age, Weimar culture, democracy, impact of the Depression, rise of extremism, Hitler as Chancellor
  • Part Two: Nazi Germany (1933-1945) Hitler’s consolidation of power, Nazi state, economic developments, propaganda and Nazi organisations, Terror state, racial ideology, policies towards the Jews and ‘untermenschen’ before and during the war.
Component 3: Historical Investigation
  • Students will need to identify an issue they wish to study and develop a question from this issue which will be the focus of their 3,000-3,500 (limit 4,500) word piece of coursework. It needs to include primary sources and an understanding of different interpretations presented by historians.
Course Leader of History 

Ms Dhaliwal

Entry Requirements

Sixth Form Entry Criteria: 

A minimum of 5 9-5 GCSE grades, which must include a grade 5 or above in either English Language or English Literature.

Special Entry Requirements:
  • GCSE History 5+

Students must be prepared to work long hours outside lesson time to regularly review the topics covered.


History 5+

Assessment Information

Assessment Topic Area Duration Value
Component 1The Tudors England 1485-16032 hours 30 minute exam40%
Component 2Democracy and Nazism Germany 1918 – 19452 hours 30 minutes exam40%
Component 3Historical Investigation3,000-3,500 words coursework20%


The History A level course will take place over two years with the exams being taken and coursework submitted in the summer of Year 13.

Progression Route


This subject opens the door to a wide range of opportunities including business, law, archaeology, genealogy, accounting, public relations management, heritage management, teaching and journalism. Even computer software companies want people with history qualifications.


Careers in History

How do I prepare? 

Recommended Reads
The Church in England and the struggle for SupremacyNelson Thornes
The Tudor CenturyNelson Thornes
Advanced History: Germany 1919-45M Collier & P Pedley
AQA AS History Anti-SemitismNelson Thornes
Access to History: Kaiser to FuhrerHodder Education
Useful Websites
Revision WorldExplore Website
Get RevisingExplore Website
BBC HistoryExplore Website
Course Leader of History 

Ms Dhaliwal


Wood Green Academy is an 11-19 over-subscribed National Support School specialising in Sport, Maths and Computing.

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